

BBQ Chicken & Apple Smoked Salmon

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This memorial day I wanted to create a feast that I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about eating. You see, I recently started counting my calories, so I had been watching everything I ate pretty carefully. Seeing as this was a holiday, and one that I’d be cooking, I really wanted to make a meal I could eat without worrying. So, grilled BBQ chicken and smoked salmon sounded perfect. Combined with sides of charcoaled onions and grilled asparagus, I was ready to get grilling.

I started by brining the salmon in water, salt, brown sugar, and onion and garlic powder.

Once that brined and dried, I got everything together to organize and plan.

The salmon went on first, brushed with extra virgin olive oil.

At the same time, the onions went next to the coals below the fish.

After 90 minutes, the onions came off the charcoal to cool and be peeled and cut.

While they were cooling, I rubbed the chicken with my standard BBQ rub.

After 2 hours of smoking, the salmon came off the grill to rest.

Sides were prepared.

Then the chicken went on the grill with the onions to finish cooking.

When the chicken came off, the asparagus went on to finish up.

By then, everyone was so hungry, I couldn’t get a picture of a full plate, so you’ll just have to imagine. So in place of that, I’ll give you two photos of my kids from a baseball game earlier that weekend. Enjoy!

Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Direct Heat, Indirect Heat, Smoking
Type of Grill Used:Rectangle Charcoal/Smoker
Type of Charcoal:Kingsford
Type of Wood:Apple
Type of Poultry:Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
Type of Seafood:Salmon Fillet
Type of Sauce(s) Used:Homemade Carolina BBQ
Type of Marinade:Brown Sugar Brine
Side Dishes:Asparagus, CeasarSalad, Charcoaled Onions, Mac & Cheese

About the Warrior

Steve Smith



Steve is a designer, developer, and businessman. He is an entrepreneur, founding Ordered List, and co-founding Sidebar Creative, both of which are outlets for his professional work. And as an author, public speaker, and University of Notre Dame professor, he is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others.

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