

Grilled Peaches with Ginger Snap & Maple Syrup Crumbles

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My dessert is grilled peaches with ginger snap and maple syrup crumbles. They are accompanied by vanilla ice cream and a reduced mixture of fresh ginger and brown sugar. It was gooooood. The ginger added a nice spice, the ice cream and maple syrup provided the sweet and the peaches rounded it off with a nice tartness. The crumbles and ice cream paired well enough to be served alone, but you can’t grill ice cream. At least I can’t.

My pics this time around are not that great. I had light issues. None the less the meal was great. We had pan fried chicken and potato salad. I didn’t get any pics of the potato salad. And yes, I dissected the clucker myself. It was my first time butchering and frying. I learned a lot in the process.


Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Frying, Grilling
Type of Grill Used:Gas
Type of Poultry:Chicken
Type of Sauce(s) Used:Brown Sugar & Ginger Sauce
Side Dishes:Potato Salad

About the Warrior

Paul Sirmon



I love to grill. Mostly because it gives me less dishes to do. If I wasn't a designer I'd go to culinary school. I'm a big fan of food and especially burgers. My restaurant test is usually the burger. If they can make a good one then the rest is probably good too. Flawed psychology I know, but hey, I love burgers. Oh and I suck at keeping up with my recipes. My measuring technique is "a little of this and a little of that". Seems to be working well for me so far.

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