

Grilled Salmon & More

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I am a steak man. Things of the water I typically only have in the house because they are swimming in the aquarium (other than the occasional BBQ or Cajan Shrimp) so the Battle of Seafood was not the choice for me; however, I love a good challenge. After checking with my good buddy google I found fish with an attitude.

Pulling together all the required ingredients for my adventure was easier than I imagined, however I never should have doubted the cupbards of the Grahamberton Home.

As I invited our good friend Leah over for Lunch I wanted to make sure I had a successful backup plan should my fish tale swim away on me. I enlisted the help of Jack Daniels BBQ Sirloin Kabobs.

Once finished I had what was the best Grilled Salmon I’ve ever had. Our dinner was complete with Firecracker Fresh Grilled Salmon and Jack Daniels BBQ Sirloin Kabobs. Very soft and tender and with the crushed red pepper it had just the attitude that I was looking for. It might just be true BBQ Fans, I might just be a Fish Grilling Master.

Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Grilling
Type of Grill Used:Gas
Type of Steak(s):Petite Sirloin
Type of Seafood:Salmon

About the Warrior



BBQ Warrior and UX Creative. BBQ'ing in Port Huron, MI with with my wife Shannon, our little dog Tux and anyone looking for a great meat and conversations! Let's eat!

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