

Smoked Gouda Cheese Stuffed Hamburger with an Olive Spread

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This Memorial day my family and I headed on up to McKinney Texas to hang out with my parents and of course, barbecue!

While my Apple-wood bacon wrapped onions were soaking in a molasses marinade I started preparing the roasted edamame salad.

Cutting the corn for the salad


Placing the edamame into the bowl

I put the edamame, corn, scallion, garlic, olive oil and a few spices in a bowl, mixed them up then spread it all out in a pan to get roasted in the oven.

OK, salad is roasting, time to make the olive spread.

Chopping the olives, capers, garlic and olive oil

I mixed up a half cup green olives, half cup black olives, tablespoon capers, some garlic and olive oil to spread on the burgers.  Once that was done I grabbed my appetizers and threw them on the grill.

These little guys needed constant basting while they grilled

It was a constant flip and baste to make sure they didn’t get burnt.  After a few minutes they were ready.

Sweet onions wrapped in bacon appetizers

I went back in to chill the edamame salad and prepare the burgers for the grill.  Each burger patty consisted of a meat patty, topped with smoked gouda cheese, topped again with the other half of the burger patty.  I placed some boy scout BBQ spices on top and threw them on the grill.

Stuffed smoked gouda burgers grilling (hot dogs for the kids)

Once the burgers were finished I took them inside where I put the olive spread on top and served it on Italian sweet bread.  The roasted edamame salad was cooled off and was paired with a fruit salad.

Grilled smoked gouda stuffed burger with olive spread on Italian sweet bread

And to feel young again, the drink of choice was raspberry lemonade with a Twizzlers straw.

Being a kid again with the Twizzlers straw

And last but not least was the dessert.  I melted some dark Godiva chocolate, mixed in some chipotle spice to give it a little heat but contrasted it with fresh strawberries to dip.

Godiva, chipotle and strawberries...mmmmmm...

My family really enjoyed the meal and I’m looking forward to my next big BBQ!

Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Grilling, Marinate, Roasting
Type of Grill Used:Charcoal
Type of Charcoal:Kingsford
Type of Ground Meat:Ground Beef
Type of Marinade:molasses
Side Dishes:Fruit salad, Roasted Edamame salad

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