

Beer Brats & Perogies

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This week’s challenge was incredible and definitely the tastiest challenge for me so far.

I started by grilling up some onions and bacon. Once those were nicely browned, I put five Beer Brats on my new infrared BBQ. As those were grilling to perfection I pan-fried some perogies along side of the onions and bacon.

If you don’t know what perogies are, you’re SERIOUSLY missing out! Perogies are a delicious European dish that is made of dough, potatoes, and cheese. And they’re great topped with onions, bacon, and sour cream.

Check out the deliciousness!

And of course you can’t have a true Octoberfest dinner without an official Octoberfest beer. I actually had 3 different varieties available. The one pictured here is the Paulaner Octoberfest that I found at a small beer retailer in Salem.

Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Frying, Grilling
Type of Grill Used:Gas
Type of Sausage(s):Bratwurst
Side Dishes:Perogies

About the Warrior

Vin Thomas



Husband, Father, Christian, Web Designer, WordPress Fanboy, and lover of all things geeky. I work as an Experience Designer and enjoy pushing pixels. I love to BBQ and want to express creativity through the delicious meals showcased here. Happy Grilling!

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