Grilled Caramel Apples
Grill Master: Vin Thomas | Short URL: This is the short link." />
At first I thought this challenge would be easy. But it was tough! The inspiration for this BBQ was a delicious dish my parents would make for us when we were kids. My dad would hollow out an apple, fill it with maple syrup, then bake it in the oven until it overflowed with goodness.
My rendition used caramel, pecans, and butterscotch schnapps. I can’t put in to words how delicious this was. In fact, it was so good that we made them again tonight. They were even better the second time around!
I wrapped them in foil and the baked inside the BBQ for about 10 minutes. By the time we took them out they were boiling over with sweet goodness. So darn good. You have to try them!
Battle Armor:
Type of Technique: | Grilling |
Type of Grill Used: | Gas |
Type of Sauce(s) Used: | Butterscotch Schnapps, Caramel |
Side Dishes: | Ice Cream, Pecans |