

Alles Family Fajitas

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In our family there are a few recipe’s that we lock away in the vault and the Alles Family Fajita’s are one of them. After years of managing restaurants across the US my uncle had perfected the fajita’s and we’ve been creating the magic ever since. I was blessed to have been handed down the recipe and Saturday’s BBQ was the result of it. The trick to making the Alles Family Fajita’s is not only to follow the carefully developed recipe but it must sit and marinade for a minimum of 48 hrs.

Alles Family Fajitas

Every flip of the chicken needs a little extra of the marinade so we’re not running dry.

Alles Family Fajitas

We served about 20 people with 10 lbs of Chicken. With the Signature Guacamole made by buddy Jeff Pemberton.

Meet Shannon Graham

and I’ll toss in a photo of my wife because she was there and she’s amazingly beautiful.

Moral of the story, if you ever find Alles Family Fajita’s on the menu don’t pass them up. You’ll find them here in Michigan, often times in Clearwater, Florida area and if your lucky upstate New York. Lift your glass to Rick Alles the Fajita Master.

Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Grilling
Type of Grill Used:Gas
Type of Poultry:Chicken
Type of Marinade:Alles Family Secret
Side Dishes:Corn, Guacamole

About the Warrior



BBQ Warrior and UX Creative. BBQ'ing in Port Huron, MI with with my wife Shannon, our little dog Tux and anyone looking for a great meat and conversations! Let's eat!

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