

Barramundi with Vanilla & Pomegranate Cashews

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First I started with some of these Sahale Cashews with Pomegranate and Vanilla.
Then I smashed ’em up like so.

Then I used some of this Martha Wrap which I’ve found to be very wonderful. It’s parchment and foil in one. Pretty slick.

Next the Barramundi gets a nice coat of the crushed cashews plus a little salt and pepper.

I wrapped ’em up and threw on the grill. Those other pouches have broccoli and jalapeño respectively.

I then sliced up some pears and a strawberry. I cooked them up in nice Shiner Ruby Redbird bath with a couple small slices of jalapeño. Added a little brown sugar.

Here it is all plated up nice.

Overall this was a pretty good dish. The cashews and vanilla really added a nice flavor to the Barramundi. A bite of that with a little pear and it was just heavenly. The little bits of jalapeño added a nice subtle bite.

Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Grilling
Type of Grill Used:Gas
Type of Seafood:Barramundi
Side Dishes:broccoli

About the Warrior

Paul Sirmon



I love to grill. Mostly because it gives me less dishes to do. If I wasn't a designer I'd go to culinary school. I'm a big fan of food and especially burgers. My restaurant test is usually the burger. If they can make a good one then the rest is probably good too. Flawed psychology I know, but hey, I love burgers. Oh and I suck at keeping up with my recipes. My measuring technique is "a little of this and a little of that". Seems to be working well for me so far.

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