

Thai Chicken Satay with Cucumber Salad

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So after slaving away in the kitchen, and over the BBQ for a good few hours, I decided to give BBQWars a shot! I love satay, so I decided to give it a shot at home. I marinated them in ginger, garlic, oil and fish sauce for a good few hours, then made the peanut sauce. Fried off some coriander and cumin seeds, pounded them down to a powder. Then I combined garlic, onion, chilli, turmeric, lime juice, fish sauce, and palm sugar. Processed that in the food processor, let that cook for a few minutes, and added the coconut milk. Crushed up some peanuts and combined. Then that was good to go.

After the chicken had marinated for a few hours, I put them onto the skewers and put them on the BBQ. To finish I put some rice, chicken skewers and cucumber salad on a plate, and generously poured over the peanut sauce!

Excuse the lousy photos, my iPhone! 🙁

Grinding Garlic and Ginger

Frying Cumin seeds & Coriander seeds.

Satay Marinating

Satay Sauce

All done!

Battle Armor:

Type of Technique:Frying
Type of Grill Used:Gas BBQ
Type of Poultry:Chicken
Type of Sauce(s) Used:Peanut Sauce
Type of Marinade:Thai
Side Dishes:Cucumber Salad, Rice

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